Tag Archives: RYU Controller

Building an OpenFlow Switch with Integrated Controller and IDS/IPS

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This post describes steps to build an OpenFlow switch using Open vSwitch on a server running Ubuntu 18.0.4. The server runs a Ryu controller and Snort intrusion prevention system, both are open source software. Such a system could be used a security appliance in a network of low-to-medium bandwidth requirements.

Building an OpenFlow Lab

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Like many people, I have started learning about Software-Defined Networking and OpenFlow using Mininet, which is a great virtual environment to use. However, Mininet has some limitations, and I found myself looking for hardware alternatives. This article describes how to build an OpenFlow lab environment that can be used for… Read more »

FlowManager – An SDN Application

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The FlowManager is a RYU controller application that gives the user manual control over the flow tables in an OpenFlow network. The user can create, modify, or delete flows directly from the application. The user can also monitor the OpenFlow switches and view statistics. The FlowManager is ideal for learning… Read more »