What is Ad Hoc Node?

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An ad hoc node refers to a device in a wireless ad hoc network. Ad hoc networks (or more accurately, mobile, multi-hop, wireless networks) are a class of networks that does not depend on any central administration or infrastructure in its operations. Unlike wired networks, an ad hoc network could… Read more »

Arduino robot kit – Motor Control

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L298N Controller

The motor controller module is based on L298N driver. The documentation for the module was hard to find but there are many boards that are based on the same driver. So, I was able to piece the information together and  figure out how to use the module. L298N Controller Module L298N is a high voltage,… Read more »

Arduino robot kit – Range sensor

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Ultrasonic Range Sensor and Servo Motor

The robot kit includes an ultrasonic range sensor (HC-SR04), a 2kg-torque servo motor (TowerPro SG90), and a plastic holder that is supposed to attach the motor to the robot top plate and provide a base to attach the sensor. Unfortunately, the items are not totally compatible with each other, so I had… Read more »

Arduino robot kit – Robot Assembly

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Arduino card and Sensor Shield V5

My first step in the assembly is to mount the Arduino card and the Sensor Shield V5 on the top plate and make sure they work. Information about the included Arduino UNO is everywhere but the starting point is always at http://www.arduino.cc/. The sensor board has no active components. It… Read more »

Arduino robot kit

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Assembled Robot

A couple of months a go I discovered this robot kit online. The price was so attractive (~$100), I had to buy it immediately. As advertised, the robot comes disassembled which I found interesting because it would give me a chance to experiment a little before putting it together. The… Read more »


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Assembled Robot

I like robotics and there was a time when I wanted a career in building robots. I am glad that didn’t happen because now I can build robots for fun. My interest in robots was renewed in 2001 when I discovered LEGO Mindstorms in this IEEE Spectrum article, and since… Read more »